Snake can bite even after a few hours after death! It takes several days to digest the prey.

Interesting Facts About Snakes: Hearing the name of a snake, people get perspired due to fear and if it comes in front, it is bound to make anyone shiver after seeing it. The hiss of many snakes is enough to end a human’s life. Although thousands of species of snakes are found on the earth, but only a few of these snakes are so poisonous that they kill their prey in a jiffy.

Inland Taipan tops the list of some of the world’s most dangerous snakes, whose single bite is capable of killing 100 people. Although these snakes are found only in Australia. According to estimates, there are about 3000 species of snakes found in the world, but only about 200 species are such, whose bite can kill someone.

The world’s heaviest snake is Anaconda, which weighs 595 pounds i.e. 270 kg and is more than 16 feet long. It can also hunt humans and swallow them.

According to the website of the School of Chemistry, University of Bristol, the bite of an Inland Taipan snake produces 110mg of venom, which is capable of killing more than 100 people or 250,000 rats.

Snakes do not have eyelids on their eyes and they do not have chewing teeth in their mouth. (Credit-Pixabay)

Snakes do not have eyelids on their eyes and they do not have chewing teeth in their mouth. This is the reason why snakes swallow their prey.

The jaws and skin of snakes are so flexible that they swallow prey bigger than their head. Snakes take 3 to 5 days to digest a victim because their digestion is slow.

A dead snake’s head can bite even after a few hours of death, so stay away from it.

Snakes do not even have external ears but have internal ears, they also use their tongue to smell.

There are a total of 725 species of poisonous snakes in the world, out of which only 250 attack humans. King Cobla is the most poisonous snake in Asia, which is known as Nag in our country. It is also very intelligent.

Amazing facts about snakes, Amazing Facts, Interesting Facts About Snakes, Snakes, Inland Taipan, Snake Poison, Snake can bite even after death, Interesting Facts

Only about 200 species of snakes are such, whose bite can kill someone. (Credit-Pixabay)

Because of fear of humans, snakes make them the most prey, whereas in a year more than 40 thousand people die of snake venom.

There are two types of poison found in snakes. One of these destroys our nervous system while the other destroys the cells.

Snakes also vomit like humans, often after feeling threatened, these snakes reduce their body weight by vomiting and run fast.

Tags: Ajab Gajab, amazing facts, Weird news

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